Pokémon Altar in English

Pokémon Altar in Spanish with Nuzlocke mode

Pokémon altar is a complete pokémon fangame in Spanish created by pitopato. We will have 8 generation, two difficulties and a lot of new features for this adventure, which also came out recently, so all the more reason to try it. Something I know you like is that it has 3d style battles, or moving combats, and yes, here we have them.


  • Complete with 8 Gyms.
  • Spanish.
  • New history and region.
  • Graphics 4 Generation.
  • Pokémon from Generation 1 to Generation 9.
  • Fakemon and 17 families of regional forms.
  • Nuzlocke mode with difficulty selection and level curve.
  • 3D battles with moving Pokémon.
  • New battle interface.
  • Fairy type.
  • Physical and special damage.
⚡️8 Y 9 GEN, NUZLOCKE MODE and 8 GIMNASIOS⚡️ Pokémon Altar in Spanish Complete

Download here Pokémon Altar in English Complete:

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