Top 6 Hack roms Pokémon megaevolutions permanent GBA


Today we are going to see the best pokémon hack roms for android with permanent mega evolutions gba.

Pokemon mega platinum

Pokémon mega platinum is a nds hack rom created by pokeraptor in spanish, with the original story and region. The game is complete, so if you were looking for one of nds this is a good option.

  • Spanish.
  • Complete.
  • Pokémon from Generation 1 to Generation 7.
  • Permanent MegaEvolutions.

Pokemon ruby renev

Pokémon ruby renev is a pokémon hack rom in English created by atecaincorp complete, yes, it is complete.

  • English.
  • Complete.
  • 2 Regions, Hoenn and Johto.
  • New events.
  • Pokémon from Generation 1 to Generation 7.
  • Permanent MegaEvolutions.
  • Added types fairy and crystal.
  • 21 New movements.
  • Capturable legendaries.

Pokémon cloud white 2

Pokemon cloud white 2 is a game with the complete gba base story in english created by shogun. Currently you can play three regions, kouros, seto and sinnoh, although it plans to add the sevii islands.

  • Complete.
  • Spanish.
  • Three regions, Kouros, Seto and Sinnoh.
  • Pokémon from Generation 1 to Generation 7.
  • Permanent MegaEvolutions.
  • New evolutionary objects and methods.
  • Increased difficulty.
  • Day and night system.
  • Fairy type.
  • Maximum level increased to 200.

Pokemon supreme fire mewtwo's revenge

Pokemon supreme fire is a gba hack rom created by calistrotic22 finished in english. The game is based on red fire, that is why yes, we will return to kanto but in a more different way.

  • English.
  • Complete.
  • Pokémon from Generation 1 to Generation 8.
  • Permanent MegaEvolutions.
  • New Events.
  • Postgame.

Pokemon ultra fire red xd

Pokemon ultra fire red xd is a full english hack rom created by poclo. This is a hack rom a little different, as it is a fusion between ultra fire red and pokémon clover, now you will understand why.

  • Complete.
  • Spanish/English.
  • Pokémon from Generation 1 to Generation 7.
  • Fakemon.
  • Permanent MegaEvolutions.
  • New gym leaders.

Pokemon blue stars 2

Pokemon blue stars 2 is a gba hack rom created by jean, translated by red. The hack rom is complete, and includes many improvements over its beta versions.

  • Complete.
  • Spanish.
  • New history and region.
  • Pokémon from Generation 1 to Generation 7.
  • Regional forms.
  • Permanent MegaEvolutions.
  • 3 Rivals included.

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