Pokémon Elite Redux GBA
Pokémon Elite Redux is a GBA hack Rom Complete with MegaEvolutions, 9 Generation and lots of feature upgrades.
Pokémon Elite Redux is a GBA hack Rom Complete with MegaEvolutions, 9 Generation and lots of feature upgrades.
Pokémon Inritum is a fangame with a new story and region, as well as pokémon up to the 9th generation and mega-evolutions.
Pokemon Heart Gold Reloaded is a hack rom NDS with ninth generation, plus pokémon tracker and day and night system.
Pokémon Black Pearl Emerald GBA is a hack rom with 9 Generation, MegaEvolutions and customizable difficulty increase.
Discover PokeRogue, a browser game with 9th Generation Pokemon dungeons and battles, mega-evolutions and much more.
Pokémon Hero is a fangame with follower pokémon, 9 Generation and a unique story in the Ratsel region.
Pokémon Reminiscence is a complete fangame in English with 9 Generation, Teracrystallization and different game modes.
Pokémon Keishou is a complete fangame with Teracrystallization, 9th Generation and other new features such as Dynamax and Gigamax.
Pokémon the new order is a fangame with 9 Generation, plus new story and region where you are part of the villain team.
Pokémon The Last Renoval Red Ultimate is a GBA hack rom in Spanish with 9 Generation, MegaEvolutions, Dynamax and Gigamax.