Pokémon Empyrean Complete

Pokémon Empyrean with 2 Regions

Pokémon empyrean is a finished fangame that is in english, created by stochastic. We will have two regions, mega evolutions and pokémon up to the 7th generation in this adventure, plus many other surprises, such as pokémon fusion.


  • Complete.
  • English.
  • New story with 2 Regions.
  • Renewed 3 Generation graphics.
  • Turbo function with the ALT key.
  • Pokémon from Generation 1 to Generation 7.
  • MegaEvolutions in Combat.
  • Z movements.
  • Pokémon Fusion.
  • Movements and Skills up to the 7th Generation.
  • Fairy type.
  • Physical and special damage.
⭐MEGAEVOLUTIONS and MOV.Z⭐ with 2 REGIONS in Pokémon Empyrean.

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