Pokémon Genesis Fangame English for PC AND ANDROID

Pokémon Genesis

Pokémon genesis is a fangame pokémon in Spanish created by the genesis team. This project is a rework of the old genesis project, so there will be many improvements over the old version. Pokémon genesis is presented as a unique game, with a new story, characters and a region with its own laws and customs. But I'll start by talking about the pokémon, since we will have quite a few fakemons available.


  • Spanish.
  • Beta, 4-5 hours of play.
  • Fakemon.
  • New history and region.
  • New initials.
  • Gold Heart style graphics.
  • Mugshot of characters.
  • Renewed music.

Many Fakemon

If you like fakemon you will find special shapes of this new region, which we will be able to find from the beginning of the adventure. We will have three new initials, completely different from the ones we know, three fakemon of water, fire and plant that we will be able to choose to make our adventure.

Good Graphics

On the duration we will have from 4 to 5 hours of playalso depending on the speed with which we are going to play our adventure. The graphics are gold heart style, so we will see new exterior and interior graphics, in addition to its characters also of this generation. We will be able to see with good quality the mugshot, that simply are perfect.

The characters are perfectly accompanied by sound and graphic levelwith their characters next to them with good images. I think the graphic aspect is what it has the best, since it accompanies the story very well and gets us into the world. A good project graphic quality and historyThe game is a good addition to the current pokémon games. As I said, the story also attracts a lot of attention, since we will enter into political plots while we advance in our adventure as a trainer.

The history

We will be accompanied by our lifelong friend, with whom we will discover the new region, with its new characters and places. A different adventure with a different touch that offers everything an rpg lover needs. Currently as I said it is in beta, so we may find some bugs along the story.

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