Pokémon Island Complete with 9 Gen
Pokémon island is a full English fangame created by fl. We will have more than 30 hours of duration, with 15 starters and coliseum battles, a different adventure that we will be able to enjoy with a lot of post game content.
- English and Portuguese.
- Complete with 30 hours of duration.
- Postgame.
- 12 playable characters.
- 15 Initials.
- New history and region.
- Pokémon from Generation 1 to Generation 9.
- MegaEvolutions in Combat and Primal Forms.
- Fairy type.
- Physical and special damage.
We will have pokémon from the first generation to the eighth generation, including galar forms. We will have 898 pokémon added, along with mega-evolutions and primal forms.
In duration we will have it complete as I said, since at most improvements are added and some new event, as will be the gigamax and etermax. We will be able to play from 20 to 40 hours, with post game included.
The story is basically that you fight against everything you find and become the best in the region, so to sum up a lot.