Pokémon Sacred Johto with 2 Regions

Pokémon Sacred Johto

Pokémon sacred johto is a demo game with a new storyline and region, plus 2 regions and mega-evolutionscreated by archythearc. Although it is still a demo version, we can already play between 5 and 6 hours of gameplay, so it will not be so short.


  • English.
  • Demo.
  • Pokémon from Generation 1 to Generation 7.
  • 150 Personalized regional shapes.
  • MegaEvolutions in Combat.
  • Battle sprites with movement.
  • Fairy type.
  • Physical and special damage system.
  • Increased probability of Shiny.
  • Different types of meetings.
  • Renewed Graphics.
⚡️MEGAEVOLUCIONES and 2 REGIONES⚡️en Pokémon Sacred Johto


You are the son of the former champion ethan in the region of johto, and you live in newbark town. After your birthday, you go out as a teacher's assistant to make a name for yourself and maybe find out what happened to your father and what's happening to the region. A familiar world with a new look, gyms and pokemon. will you have what it takes to out of your father's shadow?

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