Pulseman and Pokémon

The secret of Pulseman and Pokémon

Pokémon and Pulseman are two video game sagas that have more in common than it seems. Few of you will know the video game called Pulseman, but to the surprise of many this video game, apparently, had a great influence on the second, third and even fourth generation Pokemon.

First and foremost, the Pokemon Ledian features color schemes very similar to those of the protagonist, this is very clearly seen and we can even claim inspiration.

On the other hand, Remoraid's early designs bear a strong resemblance to those of the Gunfish, Pulseman's enemy. Xatu also has a resemblance to Pulseman's bird enemy. Registeel also has a similar design to Pulseman's Stage 4 boss.

Pokemon aside, Team Galaxy's Japanese name, translates to "Galaxy Gang" in English, the name of Pulseman's group of villains.

And you, did you know this video game that apparently has so much influence on Pokemon? Pulseman and Pokémon are two sagas united by characters that draw attention to each other and have characters in common, as we have seen.

⚡️Curiosidades of Pokémon NOT CONOCÍAS⚡️ Pokémon and PULSEMAN #shorts

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