Top 6 Hack Roms With Z Moves and Megabytes
Today we are going to see the best hack roms Z movements and MegaEvolutions available for GBA. A selection of the most interesting pokémon hack roms with some features such as MegaEvolutions, Z Moves and eighth generation, which also could not miss.
Pokemon sea temple
Pokémon sea temple is a hack rom in English created by lkpst and sakibcon with a lot of new features. The game has 16 gym leaders and 12 kahunasThis will give you plenty of time to enjoy the game.
- English.
- 16 Gym Leaders and 12 Kahunas available.
- Pokémon from Generation 1 to Generation 7.
- MegaEvolutions in battle.
- Z-Moves, Z-Crystals and Z-Ring.
- New Fairy and Mana types.
- New graphics and maps.
- New History.
Pokemon Shining Victory
Pokémon shining victory is a hack rom in english created by victinid, it is currently complete, although in beta some of them are in beta functions such as z movements and new zones. We will be able to play as ash in a parallel world.
- English.
- Complete.
- Pokémon from Generation 1 to Generation 7.
- MegaEvolutions in battle.
- Z Movements and Primal Reversion.
- Fairy type.
- Difference between physical and special damage.
- Movements up to the 7th Generation.
- New graphics.
- New story.
Pokemon omega ruby x y
Pokémon omega ruby xy is a gba hack rom in portuguese created by gutemberg. The game itself is complete, although it is the same story of ruby, so in that aspect there will not be many differences, the important thing comes now.
- Portuguese.
- Complete.
- Pokémon from Generation 1 to Generation 8 with 600 Pokémon available.
- MegaEvolutions in combat.
- Z movements.
- Movements up to the 5th Generation.
- UltraBestias.
- Events with legendaries.
- New areas and events.
- Increased probability of Shiny.
- Increased difficulty.
Yet another fire red remake
Yet another fire red remake is a hack rom in English created by dr seuss, although I will leave a small translation of luna for the story. Although it is the same story, we will have eye-catching developments as an increase in difficulty.
- English (Spanish with moon translation)
- Complete.
- Pokémon from Generation 1 to Generation 7.
- Movements up to the 7th Generation.
- MegaEvolutions in battle.
- Z movements.
- Ultrabeasts.
- Primordial regression.
- Hidden skills.
- New battle styles.
- Increased Difficulty.
Pokemon Moon Galaxy
Pokémon moon galaxy pokémon sun sky is a gba beta in english created by ishrak's poketips and gohan's tips. Honestly this is one of the ones that caught my attention the most and as I said, it has two versions of the game.
- English.
- Complete Kanto.
- Pokémon from Generation 1 to Generation 8.
- MegaEvolutions in battle.
- Redesigned maps.
- New routes and events.
- Z-Moves and Ultrabeasts.
Pokemon Unbound Battle Frontier
Pokémon unbound is a full English hack rom created by skeli, a great game that has had a great run, that's why now you are going to see why it is one of the most popular games in the world. top games of this top.
- Complete.
- English.
- Pokémon from Generation 1 to Generation 7.
- MegaEvolutions in battle.
- Z movements.
- Raids and Dinamax.
- Day and night system.
Download top 6 Pokémon Hack Roms with Z Moves:
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